PowerPoint Presentation Research Resources |
You don’t just need a great PowerPoint template, you need accurate facts and information. Get fast research help. Find the facts, figures and other information you need
to add interest to your PowerPoint presentation. To speed your search, here are some of our favorite links for research (we’ve tried to only list sites without
those annoying pop-up ads.) |
Who said that? Who did that? Add impact to your PowerPoint presentation with quotes and facts from the famous.
Pulitzer Prize Winners Biographies of the winners. Full texts, photographs and cartoons are available for Journalism winners from 1995 - 2003.
Nobel Prize Winners Information on all the Prize Winners as well as educational material and games. Over 9,000 documents, databases and multimedia productions with Nobel Prize connection.
Sometimes all presenters need some inspiration. Take a look at some new ideas, quotes and facts from current resources.
Hot Topics on the Net A very current and thorough list of current topics of interest with links to reliable and recognized sources.
History of Computers and Computing.
See the latest science, health and technology research news at ScienceDaily.
What’s current? Check out the “mindset lists” at Beloit College.
Up to date and accurate statistics add credibility to your PowerPoint presentation.
When your message relies on the numbers, make it clear. Try this site if you need a little help presenting statistics in an understandable way
Get trends and demographics from the US government at Census Statistics from the US Government
Economic indicators, daily press releases and news about commerce and trade from the US Dept. of Commerce.
If the Federal Government
publishes statistics on it, it should be here. The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies. (This site can be slow
and some of the info is dated)
Make the right reference...if it’s in print, you can probably find it in one of these locations:
Bartelby.com Literature, reference and verse. Unrestricted access to books and information on the web, free of charge. Everything from the elements of style, to a thesaurus, famous quotations, encyclopedias, Shakespeare, the Bible, world history, cooking, etiquette, AEsops fables, Parliamentary Procedure.
The Library of Congress A massive portal for words, pictures and sound. Special research assistance on tough topics through Ask A Librarian.
Clarification ASAP! See the Opaui Guide to Lists of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms
A great PowerPoint presentation must be succinct. Choose just the right words and improve your communication skills with these educational resources.
Every specialty dictionary, glossary, and word list you could want is at Your Dictionary. Topic and industry specific terms, rhyming,
word games. An invaluable presentation inspiration for those who love words.
The Online Books Page A great resource with listings and links to over 20,000 free books on the Web.
Need the right words? Check out The Quotations Home Page or try the Quote Garden.
Find a famous or not so famous quote for your presentation.
It’s a global community. Get information on places near and far as you build your presentation.
The Global Gateway - world culture and resources. Select a country and see a phenomenal range of information available through the Library of Congress links.
Get current geographical information for your PowerPoint presentation from these links to the home pages of all the US states and territories.
Doing a PowerPoint presentation on another country or government, check out these links to all things about government.
More than 186 million web pages from federal and state governments are available at FirstGov Many of these pages are not available on commercial websites.
The US Senate Find your senators, a great reference section, who's on what committee, historical perspectives on the senate
US Congress Information Center. Copies of House documents, information about the House of Representatives, its Members and Committees.
British Government All things Parliamentary.
Find lists of heads of state and governments of all countries and territories, going back to
about 1700. Rulers.org It also lists current events regarding rulers, see a current example.
Do you have a suggestion for a great research site for presenters? Let us know!