Interactive tools on the web offer up to date and stimulating resources for teachers and students. Explore media rich sites for tools to increase your students’ involvement and interest.
NEW on our List! Share talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers at TED - Ideas worth spreading. Over 200 videos are available at no charge. Inspiring and compelling!
Creative expression is a critical component of a complete education, but sometimes art and creativity get lost in the emphasis on testing and budgets.
Hands-on art activities aid in brain development and help children learn in other curricular areas such as reading, math, and science.
The National Gallery of Art
has an excellent tool for incorporating art into other subjects in schools. Whether you’re teaching social studies, math or science, the NGA Classroom lets you select a subject and find a full range of art activities and resources to accentuate the creative component of your topic.
Bring history to life with help from interactive resources available at The History Channel. In addition
to classroom programming, you’ll find study guides, history archives and even an Educators’ Forum. Also check out the audio files available in the Speech Archive - hear how “words changed the
People and their stories. Bio-search from the people at A&E Channel lets you search 25,000 biographies online. Articles, links to related sites and people. Also see the Classroom section of this website. You’ll find useful content like Teaching Materials, Ideas from other Teachers and Lives that Make a Difference.
PBS Teacher Source a searchable data base of over 3000 lesson plans and classroom activities. The Public Broadcasting Service offers a wealth of information by subject, topic and grade level; tips on how to effectively teach with technology; PBS television programs with extended taping rights for educators and more.